Friday, October 4, 2013

Something that caught my eye: Save Lockey's Dad

The Auden Family
I was surfing the web when three words caught my eye: Save Lockeys's Dad The words hit home for me.  Too close to home.

The Auden family is the typical American family, whose lives have been affected by terminal cancer.

Me at age four
Nick Auden, Lockey's dad, is fighting terminal cancer. He is being denied an experimental treatment that could potentially save his life.

When I was a kid, no more than four years old, my dad got sick. My sisters and I were told the "kid" truth, that daddy was feeling "tired" and needed to rest somewhere else that will make him feel better.

When I grew up I was told the "real" truth. My dad needed a kidney transplant and they didn't think he would get one.

My dad showing me off
My dad later told me, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to watch me and my sisters grow up. We all were so young at the time. My oldest sister was six and my youngest was two.

He feared missing out on our high school graduations, walking us down the aisle and being there when we have our own kids.
 Dad lived to see his girls grow
Thankfully, my dad found a kidney donor.

But not everyone is that lucky.

I know Nick Auden has to share the same fears my dad once did...that he won't be around for his three kids.

So please sign this petition and save Lockey's dad.

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