Friday, October 25, 2013

Something That Caught My Eye: Guantanamo Bay

This video caught my liberal heart's attention. I became curious about  Guantanamo Bay and started reading every article I could find on the internet. I was shocked by some of the things I found.

Many of the detainees claim they did nothing wrong and committed no crime. They are victims of being in the wrong place at the wrong time...Afghanistan.

The president has promised to close Guantanamo Bay, but the only thing that has been done is the closing of the diplomatic office charged with resettling inmates.

Obama blames congress - congress have made it hard for Obama to stay true to his promise. He wanted to transfer all of the detainees to a prison in illinois, but congress passed a bill that made it hard for officials to transfer prisoners anywhere.

Most of the detainees still in Guantanamo Bay are now on hunger strike. They have been complaining that the army have been giving unjust treatment in their guarding duties.

  1. Shooting them with rubber pellets
  2. having their Korans mistreated during an inspection

Is it possible? Yeah! Don't you remember the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Human rights violations were committed against prisoners by military personnel and the CIA. The prisoners were physically and sexually abused, tortured, raped, sodomized and killed.

Yes, this may be different because Guantanamo Bay deals with terrorists and I know some may say many lives were saved by information gained at Guantanamo Bay. But is it worth it? Is it  worth losing the american morals and values? Is it worth possibly making innocent men into terrorists.

I don't think so. What do you think?

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